
Remedies to retain your natural healthy smile

professional teeth whitening


Dental decay, tooth chips, or small fractures can happen to anyone but left untreated these conditions soon develop into more serious dental problems or unexpected pain issues. Dental decay can travel deeper into a tooth causing infection and small cracks can develop into much larger fractures.

At Ageless Smiles Dental Centre, we always have your best interests at heart and are passionate about helping you retain a beautiful and healthy smile.  Our aim is to provide the least invasive and most conservative long-term dental restorative solutions in a
non-judgmental and relaxed environment.



Composite Resin

Although dental restorations are an oral health treatment intended to treat decay or damage, we understand the importance of self-confidence which is why all our restorations are created to blend in with the colour and shape of your natural teeth.

Composite resin material is strong, long lasting, and non-toxic. It may be used in both the front or back teeth.

Composite restorations are cured in the dental chair so eating and drinking can be done immediately after treatment.

woman smiling
professional teeth whitening

Inlays & Onlays

When a tooth requires a substantially large restoration but doesn’t require the coverage of a full crown, an inlay or onlay may be a suitable option. Inlays and onlays are a more conservative restoration than a full crown and are fabricated in tooth-coloured porcelain or sometimes, gold.

An inlay is a single custom fabricated piece of porcelain or gold used to fill a tooth surface that is larger than an average-sized restoration. An onlay is larger than an inlay but instead of the porcelain being fabricated to fill a cavity void, it will cover one or more cusps of a tooth. This coverage is more conservative than a full crown and won’t result in a metal or grey outline close to the gums.

Inlay & Onlay

An inlay or an onlay will require two treatment visits.

During the first visit, the unhealthy part of the tooth is removed and the tooth prepared for the permanent restoration. A high-definition digital impression is taken to enable the precision fabrication of the inlay or onlay.

Around two weeks later at the second visit, the temporary restoration is removed and the inlay or onlay is permanently cemented into place. Your new restoration will be durable, look and feel natural and be easy to keep clean.

woman smiling